I'm always discovering things late. But better
late than never. As is the case with the Anita Blake books, I happened upon them in October 2002.
To this day, I still enjoy the characters and the whole "anitaverse"
idea, but my passion for this genre has waned since Incubus Dreams. It's a different series now and I've come
to the conclusion it should have ended with The Killing Dance (but then we would have never met Asher).
Okay, maybe with Narcissus In Chains.
I've been writing fanfiction since I was a teenager.
Let's just say, many moons ago and leave it at that. Besides Anita Blake, I used to write Star Wars, Beauty And
The Beast, Tarzan: The Series, and Phantom of The Opera fanfiction. You can check those out at my webpage
BeElleGee's Bit of Heaven at http://www.beellegee.com/ . I also write original stories, mostly erotica.
You can find them on various fiction sites on the web including Writing.com and Shortfiction.
I am a professional freelance artist. My first
book cover was published just this past summer. For that sort of thing, I work mostly on commission. I've been
drawing for as long as I can remember. My favorite subjects being men, horses, men, angels, men, and celebrities.
Did I mention men?
I love drawing and art in general, music--every corner
of my house is stacked waist-high with cds, gardening--I'm really into orchids (I have seven!) animals, (presently I have
three cats) going to movies, lounging on the beach, devouring books.
My favorite ABVH character is Jean-Claude but Asher
is a close second. My favorite book in the series is probably The Killing Dance, just because...well, you know.
Cerulean Sins was delicious too.
My latest and most exciting endeavor is a series
of original books I'm calling the Moonlit Wings series. I have completed the first four books at the time of this
update and am going to be publishing all on the ebook site Smashwords and making them available in print from Amazon.com.
The first is titled Cemetery Moon. The second is Guardians and Graves. The third is called Sanctuary. The
fourth book, which I have just finished, is titled The Scent of Rain. Please look for them all on Amazon and Smashwords
in time. I just put up the link to the "official" site called The Moonlit Wings Series. You can also find
it on the links page. It will keep anyone interested informed on future publishing dates and book availability.
If you enjoy my fanfiction, I can guarantee you, you will also enjoy these books. By the way, I did not do the art for
the first book's cover, but I am doing the artwork for the rest so if you also enjoy my art, you will enjoy these covers
as well. Please check them out!
The Moonlit Wings Series
Of course, you are always welcome to email me with any questions and comments
you may have. Feedback is always welcome!
Enjoy the sites!